Writing Software is Hard

No, it’s not. Try writing some desktop apps.What get’s hard is to plan, automate, build and add security, cloud login configurations, data retrieval, etc.To start, you will need a PC with internet and Python.Please see my initial blog tutorial for installing Python or for a refresher on that first. Set your graphics to a higher… Continue reading Writing Software is Hard

Observances with AI

My observations on the growing popularity of AI Artificial Intelligence is starting to become mainstream. From Alexa to the chatbot and search engine bing, you can find it around every corner it seems. But, is it going to be all it’s mentioned itself to be? I remember movies like Speilberg’s AI and Terminator, where AI… Continue reading Observances with AI

Local Tech

A duty to tell you of what I like about Tech in Utah By Jason Locals, read on. I will tell you some things about Utah and what I think. I moved from California’s Silicon Valley to Orem about 6 years ago. On an ealier trip, I had explored Utah with a friend and found… Continue reading Local Tech