Local Tech

A duty to tell you of what I like about Tech in Utah

By Jason

Locals, read on. I will tell you some things about Utah and what I think. I moved from California’s Silicon Valley to Orem about 6 years ago. On an ealier trip, I had explored Utah with a friend and found it to be refreshingly friendly. People seemed happy and would say hi.

They loved their state. I read about Utah’s local economy, and the more I researched, the better I felt about it. I looked at average home prices. I looked at what tech companies are in Utah. I was impressed. Learned about Silicon Slopes and the then Governor’s plans to boost Technology in education, even in rural areas. It was so different pace or vibe from the Bay Area.

So, I moved here. I started working soon after at a small online government software services company, as a systems administrator. Gone were the days of driving 2 hours to get 40 miles. I was here, and here was good.

Made in Utah

Local Technologies have been made in Utah. Their factories and Labs are here locally, and to me, that is impressive when so many are overseas in places like Taiwan or China. For starters, companies like Action Target, Fortem, Vanderhall Motor Works, Dynamic Blending, just to name a few do manufacturing of their technology born products here in Utah. Factories that produce goods are here. So cheers to your company if it keeps those manufacturing or tech job here. I salute you!


I saw Utah places like Salt Lake City and Vineyard, and even Park City grow. Grown financially, and developmentally as cities. Vineyard is a good example. Maybe some would dis-agree with me, but I am impressed with Vineyards growth in such a small amount of time. This sleepy area now has tech, manufacturing and residential. Again, from a couple of farms and one big steel company, to a larger more complete town, with major movie complex and outdoor mall and plenty of brand new handsome lakeside condos.

Utah Valley University

The UVU campus and school has changed so much. What was once parking and bus stops migrated to huge 6 story class and student facilities like libraries, computer buildings and conference centers. The business wing got a new building and improvements and many new parts were sprawling. Orem no doubt loves that their sleepy 2 year private college moved to 4 year university and can now compete with dare I say, BYU. Remember UVU, stay awake on the Tech side of education or you will be hearing from me! LOL.

Now, move 6 years from then, to now. The economy of other areas had people moving away and loosing their jobs while some areas of Utah were flourishing. Many semiconductor tech companies with new offices were taking root, like Motorolla, AI companies, Texas Instruments, and even Facebook. Even Software companies like Adobe. People here seem to also know how to manage money and help others. 2 Important qualities. What was there to dislike? So, I stayed. I’m still growing my likes about Utah, even though I’ve been down and out some of the time with losses of work and friends.

So, there you have it. Boy, you’re still reading? Great! I thought I’d loose you long ago. Keep going Utah. Show everyone you can march ahead in this brave new world of AI funded tech startup, Elon Musk buy and sell, Facebook layoff based world called the future –

By Jason

I'm Jason. Senior Consultant at jmunrodesign.

1 comment

  1. Itís hard to come by knowledgeable people about this subject, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

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